Educational Attainment
Masters in Human Resources- MBA
University of Poona
Ganeshkhind, Poona, India
Masters of Commerce M.Com
In Business Administration
University of Poona,
Ganeshkhind, Poona, India
Bachelor of Business Administration
Business Management
Spicer Memorial College
Ganeshkhind, Poona, India
Work Experience
Responsibility Organization/ Institution Year
Student Association Leader Kellogg Mookerjee Memorial 1976-1978
Gopalgonj, Bangladesh
Cashier Accountant Spicer Memorial College 1980-1982
Ganeshkhind, Poona, India
Lecturer Bangladesh Adventist College 1989
Goalbathan, Bangladesh
Store Manager Bangladesh Adventist College 1990
Goalbathan, Bangladesh
Business Department Chair Bangladesh Adventist College 1990
Goalbathan, Bangladesh
Treasurer Bangladesh Adventist College 1991- 1992
Goalbathan, Banglades
Assistant Professor Bangladesh Adventist College 1992
Goalbathan, Bangladesh
Director for Financial Bangladesh Adventist College 1992-1996
Administration Goalbathan, Bangladesh
Associate Professor Bangladesh Adventist College 1997
Goalbathan, Bangladesh
Project Manager Bangladesh Adventist College 1997
Goalbathan, Bangladesh
Dean, Faculty of Business Bangladesh Adventist College 2000-2002
Adjunct Professor Adventist International Institute 2000
of Advanced Studies (AIIAS)
Associate Professor Ethiopia Adventist College 2002- 2004
Shashamene, Ethiopia
Adjunct Professor Beza College, Shashemene 2004-2005
Dean, Faculty of Business Ethiopia Adventist College 2004-2006
Shashamene, Ethiopia
Dean, Faculty of Adventist University of Central 2006- 2008
Business Administration Africa, Kigali, Rwanda
Associate Professor Adventist University of Central 2006- 2008
Africa, Kigali, Rwanda
Supervisor, Nutritional Loma Linda University Medical 2009-2010
Service Anderson St., CA 92354
MBA Students Solusi University, Bulawayo 2010-Present
Thesis Adviser Zimbabwe
Graduate School Director Solusi University, Bulawayo 2015- 2017
MBA Students Lupane State University 2017- 2018
Thesis Adviser Zimbabwe
Associate Professor Solusi University, Zimbabwe 2010-2018
Adjunct Professor University of Great Zimbabwe 2013-2018
Adjunct Professor Lupane State University 2016-2018
Adjunct Professor African Leadership Institute 2017-2018
Harare, Zimbabwe
Dean, Faculty of Business Solusi University, Bulawayo 2019-2020
Administration Zimbabwe
Professor, Faculty of Solusi University, Bulawayo 2019-Present
Business Administration Zimbabwe
Acting Vice Chancellor Solusi University Council June 1, 2022
- Baidya, B. A. (1886) Wrote a Paper on “The Communication Pattern of Middle Level Managers” at Spicer Memorial College, for College Yearly Paper. Aundh Road, Ganeshkindh, Poona, India. Vol.4, No. 4, pp. 29-41
- Rontgen, P. B. &Baidya, B. A. (1988) An article wrote on “Effective Communication Procedures” at Bangladesh Adventist University Journal,Gowalbathan, Kaliakair, Gazipur, Bangladesh. Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 18-32
- Baidya, B. A. & Gatoia, M. S. (2007) Wrote an article on “Total Quality Management” TQM comparing with the Management Style of Adventist University of Central Africa, B. P. 2461, Kigali, Rwanda. Vol. 1, No. 7, pp. 13-21
- Baidya, B. A. (2007) A Paper wrote on Conflicts Resolution at the Adventist University of Central Africa, Kigali, Rwanda. Vol. 1, No. 8, pp. 22-30
- Silvizi, J. and Baidya, B. A. (2008) Written a paper on “Leadership by Examples” on the Effectiveness of Managerial Functions at Adventist University of Central Africa, B. P. 246, Kigali, Rwanda. Vol. 1, No. 9, pp. 5-19
- Baidya, B. A. (1992) Wrote an Article on Small Business Income Generating on a Journal called “Focused” at Bangladesh Adventist College, Kaliakair, Bangladesh. Vol. 5, No. 17, pp. 7-9
- Baidya, B. A. (1994) Topic wrote on “Business ethic and General Ethic” for Bangladesh Adventist Union Mission, Mirpur 1, Dhaka 1216, Bangladesh. Vol. 9, No. 13, pp. 22-23
- Baidya, B. A. (2002) A Topic wrote on “The cultural differences of business in different countries” at Ethiopia Adventist College, Kuyera, Shashemene, Ethiopia. Vol. 4, No. 9, pp. 7-8
- Baidya, B. A. (2006) Article on written on “Diversity of Personnel: is it good for business?” at Adventist University of Central Africa, Kigali, Rwanda, Vol. 6, No. 11, pp. 9-`10
- Baidya, B. A. (2000) Article wrote on “Business and Crisis Management” at Bangladesh Adventist College, Kaliakair, Bangladesh. Vol. 7, No. 11, pp. 21-23
- Baidya, B. A. (2002) Topic written on “The Importance of Healthy Working Environment” at Bangladesh Adventist College, Kaliakair, Bangladesh. Vol. 9, No. 16, pp. 19-22
- Baidya, B. A. and Joseph Silvesi (2007) Topic written on “Business Diplomacy and Negotiation” at Adventist University of Central Africa, Kigali, Rwand. Vol. 13, No. 14, pp. 12-14
- Baidya, B. A. and Joseph Silvesi (2008) Topic written on “Employment and the Workplace” at Adventist University of Central Africa, Kigali, Rwanda. Vol. 17, No. 15, pp. 7-9
- Baidya, B. A. and Abraham Wonscio (2005) Topic Wrote on “Hiring and Firing Employees” at Ethiopia Adventist College, Kuyria, Shashemene, Ethiopia. Vol. 12, No. 8, pp. 16-17
- Baidya, B. A. (2006) An Article Wrote on “Managing People in the Work Place” ” at Ethiopia Adventist College, Kuyria, Shashemene, Ethiopia. Vol. 14, No. 9, pp. 26-27
- Baidya, B. A. and Ashish Bol (2001) A Topic Written on “Down Sizing and Right Sizing” at Bangladesh Adventist Union Mission, Mirpr 1, Dhaka 1216, Bangladesh. Vol. 11, No. 17, pp. 17-1
- Baidya, B. A. (2017) Published an article on “Global Leadership and Strategy” at Bangladesh Adventist Seminary and College Journal, Gowalbathan, Kaliakair, Gazipur, Bangladesh. Vol. 8, No. 13, pp. 22-27
- Baidya, B. A. (2017) Wrote an article on “Change Management” at Bangladesh Adventist Seminary and College Yearly Journal, Gowalbathan, Kaliakair, Gazipur, Bangladesh. Vol. 8, No. 13, pp. 14-19
Teaching Assignment
Responsibility Institution Year
Full Time Bangladesh Adventist College, Gowalbathan 1989-1996
Full Time Bangladesh Adventist College, Gowalbathan 2000-2002
Part Time Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies 2000
Full Time Ethiopia Adventist College, Shashemane, Ethiopia 2002-2006
Part Time Beza College, Shashemene, Ehtiopia 2004-2006
Part Time Nelson Mendala College, Shashemene, Ethiopia 2005-2006
Full Time Adventist University of Central Africa, Kigali, Rwanda 2006-2008
Part Time National University of Rwanda, Butare, Huye,
Southern Province, Rwanda 2007-2008
Part Time Kigali Independent University, Rwanda 2007-2008
Part Time Great Zimbabwe University, Masvingo, Zimbabwe 2013-Present
Part Time Lupane State University, Zimbabwe 2016-Present
Part Time African Leadership Institute, Harare, Zimbabwe 2017
Resource Speaker
Speaker and Presenter Bangladesh Adventist College October, 2018
Speaker African Leadership Institute, Harare, Zimbabwe July, 2018
Speaker Lupane State University, Zimbabwe July 2017
Speaker Great Zimbabwe University, Zimbabwe March 2015
Assessing Academic Ranking
Assessor Bangladesh Adventist College 2000-2002
Assessor Great Zimbabwe University, Zimbabwe Nov. 2018
Being Thesis Penal Member
Penal Member Adventist University of Central Africa, Rwanda 2006-2008
Penal Member Great Zimbabwe University, Zimbabwe Sept 2016 & 2017
Penal Member Lupane State University, Zimbabwe October 2018
Advisor and Consultation
Advisor/Supervisor Adventist University of Central Africa, Rwanda -2006-2008
Advisor/Supervisor Lupane State University, Zimbabwe 3 MBA Students -2017
Advisor/Supervisor Lupane State University, Zimbabwe 5 MBA Students-2018
Advisor/Supervisor Great Zimbabwe University, 3 HRM Students -2015
Advisor/Supervisor Great Zimbabwe University, 4 graduate students -2016
Advisor/Supervisor Great Zimbabwe University 6 graduate students- 2017
- The Impact of Human Resource Planning on Employee Performance: A Case Study of Mpilo Central Hospital Bulawayo, Zimbabwe in November 2018 (Lupane State University)
- The Impact of Social Capital on Employee Performance: A Case Study at St Anne’s Mission Hospital, Plumtree, Zimbabwe in November 2018 (Lupane State University)
- The Role of Exit Interviews on Employee Retention in the Public Sector: A Case Study of United Bulawayo Hospitals, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe in September 2018 (Lupane State Univesity)
- A Study of Relationship Between Funds Control System And Management of Public Funds: A Case Study of Secondary Schools in Kigali, Rwanda ( Kigali Independent University)
- A Study of Managerial and Leadership Skills Applied By Successful Entrepreneurs : A Case of MTN in Masoro District, Kigali, Rwanda (Adventist University of Central Africa)
- An Assessment of the Challenges Faced By Microfinance Institutions in Kigali, Rwanda (Adventist University of Central Africa)
- An Assessment into the Level of Customer Satisfaction on Quality of Service Standards Offered by Private Security Companies to the Corporate World: Case of Gwanda, Zimbabwe (Great Zimbabwe University)
- A Study of Challenges in the Empowerment of Women Entrepreneurs in Business: A Case Study of Remera City, Rwanda (Kigali Independent University)
- Factors Influencing the Benefit of Corporate Social Responsibility by Rwanda Fast –Food Stores in Kigali Community of Rwanda (Adventist University of Central Africa)
- A Study of the Educator’s Perception on the Impact of Strategic Planning on Performance of School in Hwange Urban Cluster, Zimbabwe (Great Zimbabwe University)
- An Assessment of the Challenges of Relocation Adjustment: A Case Study of Individual Expatriates in Masvingo, Zimbabwe (Great Zimbabwe University)
- Presented a Paper on Financial and Physical Strategy for Bangladesh Adventist University,Gowalbathan, Kaliakair, Gazipur, November, 15 to 16, 1994.
- An article on “Customer Care Tools” at Bangladesh Adventist Seminary and College, Gowalbathan, Kaliarkair, Bangladesh, June 4, 2001.
- Developed a Project Work for Bangladesh Adventist University, Gowalbathan, Kaliakair, Gazipur, March 29, 2002.
- Coordinator: Treasurer Seminar conducted by Bangladesh Union Mission from April 13 and 14, 1992.
- Wrote and presented a research paper on “Team Spirit” in the seminar to the Faculty of Ethiopia Adventist College, P. O. 45, Kuyera, Shashemene, Ethiopia, September 12, 2002.
- Developed an Academic Program for the Bachelor Degree on Community Development at Ethiopia Adventist College, Kuyera P.O. 45, Shashemene, Ethiopia, February 23, 2004.
- Developed an Academic Program for the Diploma Course on “Community Development” at Ethiopia Adventist College, Kuyera P.O. 45, Shashemene, Ethiopia, April 16 & 17, 2004.
- Presented a paper on Leadership Strategy at Ethiopia Adventist College, Shashemene, Ethiopia,April 4, 2003.
- Contacted on Business Management Strategies in NansolMendala College, Shashemene, Ethiopia, April 11 and 12, 2004.
- Presented on Community Development Program at Beza College, Shashemen, Ethiopia November 22, 2005
- Presented a paper on “How to Initiate an Organizational Change” at Adventist University of Central Africa, Kigali, Rwanda, 2008.Presented Paper on Human Resource Management in Great Zimbabwe University, Masvingo, Zimbabwe, August 9, 2014
- Developed and presented a paper on Strategic Human Resource Management in Great Zimbabwe University, August, 11, 2015.
- Presented a Paper on Strategic Human Resource Development in Great Zimbabwe University, August, 15, 2015.
- Presented a Paper on Organizational Theory in Great Zimbabwe University, August 19, 2015.
- Presented and developed a paper on Human Resource Information System in Great Zimbabwe University August, 16, 2015.
- Contacted a topic Presentation on Organizational Change in Great Zimbabwe University July 18,, 20015.
- Presented and Developed a paper on Employment Relations in Lupane State University, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, July 12, 2016.
- Presented a paper on Strategic Reward Management in Lupane State University, Bulawayo,, Zimbabwe, 13, 2016.
- Presented a Paper on International Business Strategy at African Leadership Institute, Harare,, Zimbabwe, September 11, 2017
- A paper presented on “The Role of Middle Managers” at Spicer College Food Industry, Aundh Road, Ganeshkindh, Poona, India, July 15 &16, 1986.
- A Dissertation wrote on “Financial Information System of the North Philippine Union Mission of the Seventh-day Adventists Organization: A Assessment at Adamson University, Manila, Philippines, November 23, 1989.
- An Article wrote on “Human Resource Development Planning” for the Private Organizations on the Master Level, Poona, India, March 26, 1989.
- Coordinator: “Innovation Management Strategies for Globalization” The Philippine Women’s University System, September5, & 6, 1997.
- Facilitator: “Marketing System in the Philippines” Philippine Christian University, May 12, 1998.
- Coordinator: “Leadership Training Seminar” Peak Development, Inc., Philippines, June 3, 1999.
- Compiled the Study Materials for the course “Business Entrepreneurship” at MBA level for Adventist International Institutes of Advanced Studies, Silang, Cavite, Philippines 1999.
- Business Environment
- Managing Human Resources
- Management in a Changing World
- International Business
- Corporate Planning and Strategy
- Strategic Reward Management
- Employment Relations
- Strategic Human Resource Management
- Organizational Theory
- Human Resource Information System
- Strategic Human Resource Development
- Organizational Change
- Management of Non-Profit Organizations
- Change Management
- Global Leadership and Strategy
- Financial and Human Resource Management Development
- Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Introduction to Business Management
- Business Strategy and Decisions
- Human Resource Management
- Principles of Marketing
- Marketing Research
- Business Research Methods
- Strategic Marketing
- Management for Non-Profit Organizations
- Personnel and Industrial Psychology
- Organizational Behavior
- International Business Environment
- Business Law
- Industrial Marketing
- Business Entrepreneurship
- International Marketing Management
- Marketing Research Project
- Advanced Strategic Marketing
- Brand Management
- Marketing Research Theory
- Consumer Behavior
- Marketing Channel Management
- Service Marketing
- Sales Management
- Advertising and Promotion Marketing Communication
- Participant: “Peso Devaluation”, University of Santo Tomas, October 9, 1997.
- Participant: “Monetary/Fiscal Policies and Privatization”, The Philippine Women’s University System, October 18, 1998.
- Participant: Workshop and Seminar on Taxation Policy conducted by NGOs of Bangladesh from August 22—23,1996.
- Participant: “Health Nutrition Seminar”, North Philippine Union Mission, April 28 – May 5, 1999.
- Participant: “Sun Accounting” Seminar Contacted by SSD, June 11—14, 1999.
- Participant: Seminar on “Understanding Financial Statements” attended at Garden Inn Hotel Conference Center, Downtown, Fort Worth, TX, USA, in November 2017.
- Participant: Seminar on “Understanding Financial Statements” attended at Garden Inn Hotel Conference Center, Downtown, Fort Worth, TX, USA, in November 2017.
- Participant: Seminar on “Supervisor’s Role as Trainer and Coach” attended at Norris Conference Center, Fort Worth, TX, USA in December 2017.
- Participant: Seminar on “Dealing with Difficult People” attended at Norris Conference Center, Fort Worth, TX, USA in December 2017.
- Participant: Seminar on “How to Communicate with Tack, Professionalism and Diplomacy attended at Garden Inn Hotel, Arlington, TX, USA in January 2018.
- Participant: Seminar on “Human Resources for Anyone with Newly Assigned HR Responsibilities attended at Norris Conference Center, Fort Worth, TX, USA in January 2018.
- Citation of Appreciation for “Excellent Service in College Administration”, August 14, 1995, conferred by Bangladesh College Administration
- Citation of Appreciation for Excellent Service in Group Leading,” April 12, 1996, conferred by Bangladesh Adventist College President Dr. Dennis
- Citation of Appreciation for “Excellent Performance in Church Activities,” May 16, 1999, conferred by the Pasay Adventist Church Administration
- Citation of Appreciation for “Excellent Team Leader in the department of Business Studies at Ethiopia Adventist College, Kuyera, Shashemene, Ethiopia from 2004—2006.
- Citation of Appreciation given by Dr. Desta Amado, Pro-Vice Chancellor of Ethiopia Adventist College, Kuyera, Shashemene, Ethiopia on 2005.
- Citation of Appreciation for being the best “Dean, Business and Information Technology”, Adventist University of Central Africa, Kigali, Rwanda from 2006—2008.
- Citation of Appreciation for being an “Excellent Supervisor in Environmental Service Department” at Loma Linda ;8Medical Center, Loma, Linda, CA 92354, USA from 2009 to 210.