Peter Tsvara
- PhD (Education Management, UNISA; Pretoria: South Africa)
- MEd
(Educational Management; Zimbabwe Open University,Harare: Zimbabwe)
- BEd
(Educational Administration, Planning & Policy Studies, University of Zimbabwe, Harare: Zimbabwe) - Certificate in Education
(Teacher Education, University of Zimbabwe, Harare: Zimbabwe)
Educational Attainment
PhD – Education Management
UNISA; Pretoria: South Africa
Masters in education mana management
Zimbabwe Open University, Harare: Zimbabwe
Bachelor of education
University of Zimbabwe, Harare: Zimbabwe
certificate in education
Teacher Education, University of Zimbabwe, Harare: Zimbabwe
Papers Published In Peer Reviewed Journals
- Tsvara Peter & Manzira M. Francis, (2015). Social Media in Tertiary Education-Vhembe Further Education College case study. The IAFOR Journal of Education-Technologies & Education Special Edition, ISSN:2188-272X
- Tsvara Peter, Lawrence Mapaire & Manzira M. Francis, (2016). Low pass rates in Mathematics performance of learners: A case study of public high schools in Gauteng Province of South Africa. Solusi University Research Journal, Vol. 9. ISSN:2312-9174
- Tsvara Peter & Booyse, J. Johan (2016). Participative management as a strategy for enhancing job satisfaction of teachers: The case of South African teachers. Solusi University Research Journal, Vol. 9. ISSN:2312-9174
- Tsvara Peter & Booyse, J. Johan (2016). Transformational Management Strategies of School Principals on Job Satisfaction levels of Educators: A case of South Africa Secondary Schools. International Journal of Research in Social Sciences, ISSN: 2249-2496
- Tsvara Peter, Sigauke Innocent & Swansi Kenneth (2020). Oscillating among Different Traditions of Grounded Theory. East Africa Journal of Education & Social Sciences, EAJESS, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp 72-78 ISSN: 2714-2132
- Tsvara Peter, Sigauke Innocent & Swansi Kenneth (2020). Scaling up Grounded Theory: Problems, Implications and Options for Qualitative Researchers. East Africa Journal of Education & Social Sciences, EAJESS, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp 65-71 ISSN: 2714-2132
- Tsvara Peter & Germito de Castrol Alexandre (2022). Effectiveness of language teaching methods in improving the 11th grade English competencies: a case of Nampula secondary school in Mozambique. International Journal of Humanities & Innovation (IJHI), 5(2): 53-60
Papers Published in Conference Proceedings
- Tsvara Peter & Manzira, M. Francis (2014). Participative management as a strategy for enhancing job satisfaction of teachers: the case of South African teachers. A paper presented at the Asian Conference on Education (ACE) in Osaka (Japan) on the 31st of October 2014
- Tsvara Peter & Manzira, M. Francis (2014). Social media technology as a disruptive and/or complementary technology in Higher Education: A case study of Vhembe Further Education Training College. A paper presented at the Asian Conference on Society, Education and Technology (ACSET) in Osaka (Japan) on the 30th of October 2014
- Tsvara Peter & Booyse, J. Johan (2015). Teacher Accountability and Cultural Values: A cross-country perspective. A paper presented at the World Education Research Association (WERA) in Budapest (Hungary) on the 6th of September 2015
- Tsvara Peter & Booyse, J. Johan (2015). The demand for teacher accountability in Zimbabwe. A paper presented at the World Education Research Association (WERA) in Budapest (Hungary) on the 8th of September 2015
- Tsvara Peter, Mapaire Lawrence., Manzira, M. Francis & Booyse, J. Johan (2015). Learners’ performance in Mathematics in Public High Schools. A paper presented at the South African Education Research Association (SAERA) Conference in Free State (SA) on the 27th of October 2015.
- Tsvara Peter, Manzira, M. Francis, & Booyse, J. Johan (2015). The influence of transformational management strategies of school principals on job satisfaction levels of educators. A paper presented at the ALARA World Conference in Pretoria (SA) on the 5th of November 2015.
- Tsvara Peter & Booyse, J. Johan (2015). Teacher Accountability Disposition and Cultural Values: A Cross-country perspective. A paper presented at the Education Association of South Africa (EASA) Conference in Mokgopong (South Africa) on the 13th of January 2015.
Papers presented at International Conferences
- Tsvara Peter & Manzira, M. Francis (2014). Participative management as a strategy for enhancing job satisfaction of teachers: the case of South African teachers. A paper presented at the Asian Conference on Education (ACE) in Osaka (Japan) on the 31st of October 2014
- Tsvara Peter & Manzira, M. Francis (2014). Social media technology as a disruptive and/or complementary technology in Higher Education: A case study of Vhembe Further Education Training College. A paper presented at the Asian Conference on Society, Education and Technology (ACSET) in Osaka (Japan) on the 30th of October 2014
- Tsvara Peter & Booyse, J. Johan (2015). Teacher Accountability and Cultural Values: A cross-country perspective. A paper presented at the World Education Research Association (WERA) in Budapest (Hungary) on the 6th of September 2015
- Tsvara Peter & Booyse, J. Johan (2015). The demand for teacher accountability in Zimbabwe. A paper presented at the World Education Research Association (WERA) in Budapest (Hungary) on the 8th of September 2015
- Tsvara Peter & Booyse, J. Johan (2015). Teacher Accountability Disposition and Cultural Values: A Cross-country perspective. A paper presented at the Education Association of South Africa (EASA) Conference in Mokgopong (South Africa) on the 13th of January 2015.
- Tsvara Peter (2014). The relationship between the management strategies of school principals and the job satisfaction levels of educators. A paper presented at the Research and Innovation Seminar at UNISA in Pretoria (South Africa) on the 20th of March 2014.
- Tsvara Peter, Mapaire Lawrence., Manzira, M. Francis & Booyse, J. Johan (2015). Learners’ performance in Mathematics in Public High Schools. A paper presented at the South African Education Research Association (SAERA) Conference in Free State (SA) on the 27th of October 2015.
- Tsvara Peter, Manzira, M. Francis, & Booyse, J. Johan (2015). The influence of transformational management strategies of school principals on job satisfaction levels of educators. A paper presented at the Action Learning Action Research Association World Conference (ALARA) in Pretoria (SA) on the 5th of November 2015.
- Tsvara Peter & Booyse, J. Johan (2016). Influence of Transformational Management Strategies of School Principals on Job Satisfaction Levels of Educators: A case of Zimbabwean secondary schools. A paper presented at the International Conference on Education and Psychology (ICEAP) in Kyoto (Japan) on the 23rd of November 2016
- Tsvara Peter, Chitate Timely & Booyse, J. Johan (2017). “Examining the impact of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics [STEM] in Zimbabwe’s high schools”. A paper presented at the Education Association of South Africa (EASA) in Potchefstroom (South Africa) on the 11th of January 2017.
- Tsvara Peter, Manzira Francis, M. & Booyse Johan, J. (2018). “Community-Based participatory Research (CBPR): Its role in future enrolments of Solusi University”. A paper presented at the Education Association of South Africa (EASA) in Durban (South Africa) on the 14th -17th of January 2018
- Tsvara Peter, Tsvara Irine & Booyse Johan, J. (2019). “Inclusive Education in Zimbabwean Primary Education System: Perceptions of Primary School Teachers in Makoni District, Zimbabwe”. A paper presented at the Education Association of South Africa (EASA) in Polokwane (South Africa) on the 13th -16th of January 2019
Books Published
- Tsvara, P. (2021). Research Methods in Education: A constructive handbook for graduate students. LAP Lambert Academic Publishers. Berlin
- Tsvara, P., Sigauke, I., & Tsvara, I. (2021). Teaching Practice in Teacher Education: The essential knowledge base. Dream Discovery Publishers. Gweru
- Tsvara, P., Sigauke, I., & Tsvara, I. (2021). Introduction to Research Methods and Statistics: Moving disciplines forward. Dream Discovery Publishers. Gweru
Book Chapters Published
- Tsvara, P., Chitate,T. & Booyse, J. J. (2019). Examining the impact of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics [STEM] in Zimbabwe’s high schools. In Wolhuter, C (Eds). Raising the Impact of Education Research in South Africa, AOSIS Books, Johannesburg
Books Accepted in Press
- Tsvara, P. & Tsvara, I, (in press). A Handbook For Research In Social Sciences: An overview of research methodology
- Tsvara, P. & Tsvara, I. (in Press). Guidelines for Conducting Document Analysis as a Qualitative Research Methods
- Tsvara, P. & Tsvara, I. (in press). Guidelines for Conducting Qualitative Observational Research
- Tsvara, P. (in press). Guidelines for Conducting Qualitative Research Interviews
- Tsvara, P. & Tsvara, I. (in press). Guidelines for Research Ethics in Social Sciences
- Tsvara, P. & Tsvara, I. (in press). Statistics Made Simple: A constructive handbook for students
- Tsvara, P. & Tsvara, I. (in press). Guidelines for Conducting Qualitative Focus Group Discussion
Papers Presented at National Conferences
- Tsvara Peter (2017). Teaching Methodologies and Assessment in Higher Education. A paper presented at Solusi University Academic Staff Seminar, Solusi University, Bulawayo (August 17)
- Tsvara Peter (2016). Mentorship for School Prefects. A paper presented at Pace College Prefects Induction Seminar, Town House, Harare (October 19)
- Tsvara Peter (2016). Teaching Methodologies and Assessment in Higher Education. A paper presented at Mutare Teachers’ College Lecturer Symposium, Mutare Teachers’ College, Zimbabwe (August 1)
- Tsvara Peter (2015). Collaborative and Sustainable Management Strategies for a Fairer World: Rhetoric or Reality. A paper presented at a “Our Journey Towards World Class Transformational Management Seminar, Solusi University Main Campus, Bulawayo (December 7)
- Tsvara Peter (2015). Transformational Management Strategies. A paper presented at “Our Journey Towards World class Transformational Management Seminar” organized for Heads of Schools in Bulilima & Mangwe Districts, Plumtree (December 11)
- Tsvara Peter (2012). Head’s role and the job satisfaction levels of teachers: A case of Makoni District. A paper presented at District Education Officers and Headmasters’ Workshop, Manica Chambers, Mutare ( June 21-22)
- Tsvara Peter (2011). Management strategies for School Heads in Zimbabwe. A paper presented District Education Officers and Headmasters’ Workshop, Makoni District Offices, Rusape (September 8-9)
- Tsvara Peter (2010). Teaching and Assessment in high schools. A paper presented at ZIMSEC Examination Management Workshop, Manica Hotel, Mutare (April 15-16)
- Tsvara Peter (2004). Factors that are Significant to the Job Satisfaction of Teachers in Makoni District in Manicaland Region in Zimbabwe. A paper presented at the Deparmental Seminar on Teachers’ Job satisfaction. Zimbabwe Open University Manicaland Region, Zimbabwe (August 17).
- Tsvara Peter (2004). The role of part-time lecturers in ODL: A case of ZOU. A paper presented on an Orientation Programme for New Zimbabwe Open University Students, Chancellor Primary School, Mutare (March 11)
- Tsvara Peter (2004). Motivation and teaching. A paper presented at a Sports Management Short Course, CDU, Harare (September)
- Tsvara Peter (2003). The role of the teacher in School Guidance and Counselling. A paper presented at the District Education Officers and Headmasters’ Workshop, Chaminuka Training Centre (June 9)
- Tsvara Peter (2003). The role of prefects in school administration. A paper presented at Prefects’ Induction Seminar, Troutbeck Inn, Nyanga (November 14-16)
- Tsvara Peter (2002). Why ZOU students don’t publish? A paper presented at ZOU Departmental Seminar on Research for Publication, Manicalad Region (July 14-15)
- Tsvara Peter (2001). Learning using Open Distance Learning (ODL) in Teacher Training. A paper presented at the Distance and Open Learning Tutors’ Workshop, Zimbabwe Open University, Manicaland Region (March 9)
- Tsvara Peter (2000). Perceptions of Secondary School Teachers in Makoni South District on the Teaching of AIDS Education in Zimbabwean Secondary Schools. A paper presented at Makoni Heads of Schools District Workshop, Manicaland Chapter, Makoni District Office, Rusape (April 6-7)
- Tsvara Peter (2000). HIV and AIDS Counselling Education in Zimbabwe. A paper presented at a Counselling Skills Short Courses Workshop, Mutare Teachers’ College (August 9-11)
- Tsvara Peter (2000). Why churches resist AIDS Education curriculum in their Schools. A paper presented at Zimbabwe Council of Churches on Education workshop, Holiday Inn, Harare (February 4)
Modules Developed for Undergraduate Study Courses
- Educational Research Methods & Statistics
- Supervision of Educational Personnel
- Educational Planning
- Policy Studies
- Managing Schools
- Teaching Practice
- School Administration
Modules Developed for Post-Graduate Study Courses
- Research Methods & Statistics
- Measurement & Evaluation in Education
- Educational Planning & Management
- Leadership Development & Quality Issues in Education
- Policy & Legal Issues in Education
- Financial Management in Education
- Politics of Education
- Human Resources Management & Development in Education
- Policy Analysis, Implementation & Evaluation
- Organizational Development in Education
- Ethics & Values in Christian Education
- Research Methods
- Applied Statistics
- Fundamentals of Christian Education
- Pedagogics I & II
- Philosophical & Sociological Foundations of Education
- Educational Leadership & Supervision
Professional Growth
- Participant & Leader: Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Needs for Community Sustainability Development (Makuya: Limpopo: SA) (2013-2015)
- Participant: ZIMCHE workshop on Zimbabwe Credit Accumulation & Transfer Systems (ZIMCATS) (April, 2016)
- Participant: ZIMCHE ‘s Southern Africa Quality Assurance Network (SAQAN) (2016)
- Participant: Zimbabwe National Skills Audit Framework Draft (March, 2017)
- Participant: Taskforce for Higher Education Transformation for Modernity & Industrialization (October, 2017)
- Participant: Development of SU diploma & degree programmes (2016/7)
- Participant: SU programmes Adoption Team (2018-2019)
- Participant: Zimbabwe-India Technical & Economic Corporation (ITEC) (Dec, 2019)
- Participant: ZIMCHE Finalization of MBKs Local and International Benchmarking Workshop (July, 2019)
- Participant: ZIMCHE’s Zimbabwe National Qualification Framework (ZNQF) Sensitization Workshop (March, 2019)
- Participant: ZIMCHE Validation of MBKs with Academic Staff in Higher Education Institutions(*HEIs) (March, 2020)
- Participant: Provincial Quality Forum, Bulawayo: – The National Standards Act Consultative Forum (October, 2021)
- Participant: United nations’ Economic Commission for Africa’s Sensitization Workshop on the Establishment of a Common Agro-industrial Park under the Joint Industrialization Cooperation Programme between Zambia & Zimbabwe (Bulawayo: October 29, 2021)
- Participant: Indian Technical & Economic Corporation (ITEC) Memorial Celebration (Harare: November 3, 2021)
- Participant: ZIMCHE Quality Assurance Workshop on Academic and Institutional Audits of universities in Zimbabwe (Gweru: June, 2022)
- Participant: COMESA: Discussant Report on the Policy, Regulatory & Institutional Framework for the Establishment & Management of a Common Agro-Industrial Park between Zambia and Zimbabwe (Bulawayo: August, 2022)
- Participant: First Southern African Quality Assurance Network Webinar on Data Collection, Analytics and Use of Data Analytics in Quality Assurance (Bulawayo: August, 2022)
- Participant: Indian Technical & Economic Corporation (ITEC) Memorial Celebration (Harare: September 15. 2022)
- Participant: Value-chains Review Workshop organized by the Ministry of Industry & Commerce (Bulawayo: November 3, 2022)
Community Engagement
- Church Elder: Solusi University Church
- Personal Ministries Director: Solusi University Church
- Editor-in Chief: Solusi University Bulletin
- Church Clerk: Nyazura Mission Church
- Church Treasurer: Nyazura Mission Church
- Sabbath School Adult Bible Class Discussion Leader: Solusi University Church; Nyazura Mission Church; Tasbet Park SDA Church; Shayandima SDA Church;
- Youth Director: Nyazura Mission Church
- Pathfinder Director: Nyazura Mission Church
- Master Guide Director: Nyazura Mission Church
- Education Director: Nyazura Mission Church; Tasbet Park SDA Church; Shayandima SDA Church; Solusi University Church;
- Voice of Prophecy Director: Tasbet Park SDA Church;
Peer Reviewer
- Journal of Educational Studies (JES): – University of Venda (SA)
- Zimbabwe Journal of Science & Technology (ZJST): – National University of Science & Technology (Zimbabwe)
- South African Journal of Education (SAJE): – Education Association of South Africa (EASA) (SA)
- Solusi University Research Journal (SURJ): – Solusi University (Zimbabwe)
Workshops Attended
- Academic Ceremonies Management Workshop (23-24 August 2018) – Zimbabwe Council of Higher Education (ZIMCHE), Midlands State University, Gweru, Zimbabwe.
- East Zimbabwe Conference Annual National Teachers‟ Convention (2018) – Seventh-day Adventist Church Education Department, Nyanga, Zimbabwe
- Zimbabwe Union Conference Annual National Teachers‟ Convention (2017) – Seventh-day Adventist Church Education Department, Kariba, Zimbabwe
- Empowering Learners through Research Seminar (2016) – Solusi University, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
- East Zimbabwe Conference Annual National Teachers‟ Convention (2016) – Seventh-day Adventist Church Education Department, Nyazura, Zimbabwe
- Discover Bible Course Certificate (2009) for Redemptive Discipline – Trans-Orange Conference: Cape Town, South Africa.
- Accounting Workshop Attendance Certificate (2008) – Mpumalanga Department of Education, Witbank, South Africa.
- Business Persons and Professionals Camp-meeting/Conference (2005) – Seventh – day Adventist Church professional growth conference, Pretoria, South Africa.
- Zimbabwe Union Conference National Teachers‟ Convention (2007) – Seventh-Day Adventist Church Education Department, Gweru, Zimbabwe.
- Zimbabwe Union Conference Annual National Teachers‟ Convention (2004) – Seventh-Day Adventist Church Education Department, Gweru, Zimbabwe.
- Pathfinder Staff Training Course Certificate (2001) – Eastern Africa Division of Seventh Day Adventist Church Youth Department, Gweru, Zimbabwe.
- Ten Day Continuing Education/AIDS Education Seminar (2000) – Zimbabwe Union Conference of Seventh-Day Adventist Church Education Department, Solusi University, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.
- Pathfinder Staff Training Course Certificate (1998) – Eastern Africa Division of Seventh Day Adventist Church Youth Department, Gweru, Zimbabwe