Harvard Referencing Style

Follow These Guidelines When Compiling Your Reference List:

  • At the end of your document, begin a new page with your reference list.
  • Use the heading “Reference List
  • Each of your complete Harvard citations should be pasted into a list.
  • Place the sources in alphabetical order by author’s last name, according to the year of publication, if you are citing two or more works by the same author they should be listed in chronological order of the year of publication. Titles without an author should be arranged alphabetically by the work’s title.
  • If an author or source has multiple works, they should all be included together but in chronological order, with the earliest work listed first.
  • Titles of books, reports, conference proceedings, etc. should be italicized. Instead of the title of the journal article, the journal title should be italicized for journal articles.
  • CAPITALISE the initial letter of the publication title, all key terms in journal titles, location names, publisher names, and all other first letters.

    Creating And Formatting In-Text Harvard Style Citations

    • If you use Harvard style referencing in your work and include a quote, a statement, a statistic, or any other type of source data in the essay’s main body, you should: Place the author’s last name and the publication date in parenthesis either immediately following the information taken or at the conclusion of the sentence.
    • Example:
    When it comes to the information processing approach to cognition, there are several assumptions … (Lutz and Huitt, 2004)
    If you have already mentioned the author in the sentence – Harvard referencing rules require you to only enter the year of publication in parentheses, directly after where the author’s surname is mentioned.
    • Example:

    When these developmental ideas are summarized, Lutz and Huitt (2004) suggest that…

    If you are only quoting a particular or portion of the source (rather than the entire work) – a page number or page range should be added after the date in the parenthetical Harvard citation

    • Example:

    “…Developing meaning is more significant than acquiring a broad range of knowledge or skills …” (Lutz and Huitt, 2004, p.8), which means that …

    Note:  If there are four or more authors listed in the source, only the first author’s last name should be written, followed by the abbreviation ‘et al.’ (meaning ‘and others’).


    • Example:

    The findings demonstrated that respondents needed to contact several health organizations in order to pay for their services (Wolbeck Minke et al., 2007).

    If you are reading a source by one author and they cite something written by another author – You are encouraged to locate the original source – usually this is possible to do by consulting the author’s reference list – but if you are unable to locate it, the Harvard referencing rules state that you must only cite the source you did consult as you did not actually read the original document. Include the words ‘cited in’ in the in-text citation to indicate this.


    • Example:

    According to a 1987 study by Fong (quoted by Bertram in 1997), older pupils’        memories can be just as sharp as those of younger ones.

    Or (Fong, cited in Betram 1991)


    Cite A Book In Harvard Style

    Author Surname, Author Initial. (Year Published). Title. ed. City: Publisher, p.Pages Used.

    • Example:

    Zvobgo, C. (2009). A history of Zimbabwe, 1890-2000 and PostScript, Zimbabwe, 2001-2008, Newcastle: Cambridege, pp.70-74.

    In Text-Citation

    (Author Surname, Year of Publication)


    More than ever, there is a growing argument in favor of employer brands and what employers represent through their brands. (Pitt & Smith, 2014)


    Cite A Journal In Harvard Style


    Author Initial, Author Surname. Year of Publication Headline. Published [online] Title Issue number (volume number), page Used Pages. Available at: [Accessed Date Accessed] Website URL.


    Hannington, P. (2016). A dying breed. Race \& Class, 48(1), pp.85–92.

    In Text Citation

    (Author Surname, Year of publication


    Outraged self-appointed defenders of white Christian “Australian’s” appear to interpret state racism in the form of ethnically targeted covert surveillance, ongoing harassment, secret police, and dawn raids carried out by heavily armed officers, arrest and detention without proper trial, and similar actions as some sort of moral license for their own violent racial attacks. 13 Therefore, if the state terrorizes entire communities by targeting, persecuting, and demonizing Muslims as the enemy in the war on terror, perhaps white-thinking individuals feel justified in attacking this enemy wherever they may encounter it. So, in response to the alleged bad behavior of “Lebs” at the beach, a Bangladeshi bystander was pursued, surrounded by people, and assaulted. (Poynting, 2006).


    Cite A Website In Harvard Style

    Author Surname, Author Initial. (Year of Publication). Title. [Online] Available at: http://Website URL (Date Accessed).


    Tester, L. (2014). EZproxy. [online] Eds.a.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.liv.ac.uk. Available at: http://eds.a.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.liv.ac.uk/eds/detail?sid=fa9392f5-3794-4dd7-a8bc-0f2d5915a373%40sessionmgr4005&vid=4&hid=4110&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmUmc2NvcGU9c2l0ZQ%3d%3d#db=bth&AN=67324416 [Accessed 21 Jun. 2014].

    In text Citation

    (Author Surname, Year Published)


    A company’s income statement has a number of indicators (canaries) that can signal trouble before it really begins to lose money or its bank account begins to dwindle dangerously low. (Tester, 2014)


    Cite A Religiuos Text In Harvard Style

    Title, (Year of Publication). City: Publisher, p.Pages Used.

    The bible, (n.d.). Matthew, p.chapter 6.

    In-text citation

    (Title, Year Published)

    ‘Take care not to practice your righteousness in the sight of people, to be noticed by them; otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven.’ (The bible, n.d.)


    Cite An Online Image or Video Text In Harvard Style

    Author Surname, Author Initial. (Year of Publication). Title. [Format] Available at: http://Website URL [Date Accessed].


    Leslie, Inc, (2014). Validity. [image] Available at: https://dts.lectica.org/_about/las_reliability_validity.php [Accessed 19 Oct. 2014].

    In text citation

    (Author Surname, Year Published)


    Construct validity is typically thought of as the extent to which assessments measure the things they are intended to measure, but because our assessments do so much more than just provide a score, we view construct validity in a broader sense—as the extent to which our assessments achieve the goals for which they were created. (Lectica, Inc, 2014)




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