Dr. Nozizwe Dlamini-Mahlangu
- University of South Africa (South Africa) (2017)
Doctor of Philosophy Degree (PhD) in Languages, Linguistics and Literature
- Lupane State University (Zimbabwe) (2009)
Post Graduate Diploma in Development Studies
- University of Zimbabwe (Zimbabwe) (2006)
M.A. in African Languages and Literature
- University of Zimbabwe (Zimbabwe) (2001)
B.A (Hons) Degree in IsiNdebele
Other Training
- ZIMCHE Peer Review Training at Great Zimbabwe University-(28-30 October 2022)
- Completed an AAU-4day Higher Education Pedagogy Workshop-2021
Work Experience
- Pro Vice-Chancellor Solusi University (2024-Present)
- Substantive Dean and Senior Lecturer Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Lupane State University 2023 – 2024)
- Acting Dean and Senior Lecturer Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Lupane State University) (2020 – 2023)
- ChairpersonDepartment of Languages (Lupane State University) (2010 –2019)
- Senior LecturerDepartment of Languages (Lupane State University) (2017 – Present)
- Lecturer
Department of Languages, Literature and Music (Great Zimbabwe University) (2006 – 2007)
- Teaching Assistant
Department of Languages, Literature and Music (Great Zimbabwe University) (2006)
Other Experience
- One year six months as Hostel Superintendent at JZ Moyo High School (2001 – 2002)
- Two years three months as IsiNdebele Teacher at JZ Moyo High School (2001 – 2003)
Teaching and Research Interests
My teaching and research interests coalesce around the intellectualisation of indigenous languages; multilingualism and language policy; translation and interpretation, language and identity; indigenous knowledge systems; language and identity; and the nexus between culture and development.
Papers Published in accredited Journals and Book Chapters
- Dhlamini Nozizwe and Dube Progress (2021). Polar Question Formation in Ndebele. Occasional Paper No. 2. Centre for African Languages, University of Zululand.
- Nkululeko Sibanda & Nozizwe Dhlamini (2020) Mapping Places and Identities through Contemporary Bulawayo Popular Song Texts, Muziki, 17:2, 7188, DOI: 1080/18125980.2021.1927157
- Maseko, B. and Dhlamini, N. 2020. “Language, ethnicity and the politics of exclusion in Zimbabwe”. In Power, Politics and Production: Essays on Ndebele Language and Cultural Production. Ncube, G., Sayi,S. and Ndebele, L. (Eds). Issues in Ndebele Language and Cultural Production in Zimbabwe: Multi-disciplinary Perspectives. Bulawayo: Amagugu Publishers.
- Maseko, B. Dhlamini, N. & Ncube, B. 2017. “Socialisation into language shift: an analysis of language choices and practices among the Zimbabwean San in Tsholotsho” In African Languages and Language Practice Research in the 21st Century: Interdisciplinary Themes and Perspectives. Ralarala, M. K et al. (eds.)
- Maseko, B., Dhlamini, N., Ncube, B. & Moyo, C. 2016. “Akusilima sindlebende kwaso”: The Ndebele perception of disability and implications for social development. Intundla: A Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Volume 1, No 1.
- Dhlamini N., Ndlovu M. and Ncube B. (2015), ‘‘an investigation into the use of Ethnoveterinary Medicine in Sustaining Livestock at Gwaai Resettlement Area’’ in Indigenous Knowledge Systems: Laying Foundations for Sustainable Livelihoods, (Eds) Mapara J. And Mazuru M. Diaspora Publishers, Gloucestershire.
- Dhlamini N., B Ncube and M Moyo. ‘‘Globalization and Ndebele Indigenous Knowledge Systems in Agriculture: Challenges and Opportunities’’. European Journal of Globilisation and Development Research, 2014, Vol.9, No.1.
- Dhlamini N. and B Ncube. ‘‘Loss and Gain in Translation: A Case of Court Translations’’. African Journal of Scientific Research. 2014, Vol.12, No.1.pp670687.
- Dhlamini N. and B Maseko. ‘‘Mother Tongue Instruction for Lower Primary School Level in Zimbabwe – A Half Hearted Commitment to the Development of her Indigenous Languages’’. Journal of Education and Practice, 2014 Vol.5, No.6.
- Dhlamini N. and B Ncube. Ndebele Drama and Leadership. Journal of Language and Literature, 2013; 4(2), 5-9.
- Dhlamini N., B Ncube and T Moyo. ‘‘The Philosophy of Naming: A Study of Children’s Names Born Between 1976-1982’’. MATATU. 2013, Vol 3, Issue 8. Pp1725-1731.
- Dhlamini N., B Ncube and T Moyo. ‘‘Peace, Conflict Management and the Ndebele Proverb’’. NAWA Journal of Languages and Communication, 2011, Vol 5, Issue No 2. pp 123-137.
Accepted for Publication
Sebata S, Dhlamini N & Ndlovu M, (2024)Indigenous Weather Forecast Systems: A Case Study of Weather Forecast Indicators for Chapo Village, Ward 17, In Matopo Zimbabwe” to the Journal of the Kenya National Commission for UNESCO.
Conference Presentations
- Dhlamini N. and B Ncube. The philosophy of naming: a study of children’s names born between 1976-1982’’ A paper presented at the African Languages Association (ALASA) Conf erence held at the University of KwaZulu- Natal in Durban South Africa.
- Dhlamini N. and B Ncube. Drama and Leadership: A Case of Ndebele Drama. Paper presented at the Interim Conference of the African Languages Association of Southern Africa (ALASA). University of Botswana, 21ST -23RD July 2010)
- Dhlamini N. and B Ncube. Impact of Globalization on the Promotion and Protection of Ndebele Indigenous Knowledge Systems in Agriculture. Paper presented at the International Conference of Southern African Folklore Society (SAFOS), UNISA, South Africa 27th-29th September 2010.
- Dhlamini, N. Language issues to be captured in the Arts and Culture policy. Paper presented at a seminar hosted by the Ministry of Education, Sport, Arts and Culture 21 October 2010.
- Dhlamini N. and B Maseko. Mother Tongue Instruction for Lower Primary School Level in Zimbabwe – A Half Hearted Commitment to the Development of her Indigenous Languages. Paper Presented at the 10th International Language and Development Conference, Lagoon Beach Hotel, Cape Town, South Africa-1417th 0ctober 2013.
- Maseko B, Dhlamini N and B Ncube. Socialisation into language shift? An Analysis of Language Choices among the Zimbabwean San Peoples in a Multilingual Context. Paper Presented at the 18th International Conference of the African Language Association of Southern Africa from the 24th to 26th of June, 2015 at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Cape Town.
Membership to International Associations
- Centre for African Languages at the University of Zululand (CAL/UNIZULU)
- African Languages Association of Southern Africa (ALASA)
- Southern African Folklore Society (SAFOS)
- Oral Traditions Association of Zimbabwe (OTAZ)
Awards/ Distinctions
- 2001 – University Book Prize-B. A (Hons) –University of Zimbabwe
- 2010 – Post Graduate Diploma in Development Studies – Lupane State University
University Committees Served
- University Council
- Executive Committee of the University Council
- Finance Committee
- Campus Development Committee
- Salaries and Conditions of Service
- Academic Appointments Board
- Senate
- Academic Board