Solusi’s Ralph Watts Library

Our Library has a primary responsibility to support Instructional, research and spiritual programs of the University – through the acquisition, organization, maintenance, and preservation/ conservation of appropriate print and non-print electronic and archival information resources and the retrieval/ dissemination of the resources


Create a detailed plan –   Carefully outline the important content you must include and the way you intend to organize your work.

Keep track of your sources  – Run a list of all the pertinent publication details (for instance, if you are citing a book, you should include the name(s) of the author(s) or editor(s), the year of publication, the title, the edition number, the city of publication, and the publisher’s name). Save each quotation verbatim and include it in an inverted comma to set it apart from your own words. Are you tired of having to stop your work to cite? 

How to avoid it

Effectively manage your time – Utilize time plans and goals to efficiently manage your time, and allot enough time to read, write, and edit.

When paraphrasing information – Make sure to paraphrase information using only your own words and a different sentence structure from the original text. Each quote or paraphrase used in the text needs to be cited appropriately and should have a corresponding reference in the text. A complete reference must also appear on the project’s final page.

Securely save all of your research and citations  – Organize and manage well your citations style.

At the Solusi University Library

We are reinventing our resources, services and systems based on what a world-class library can and will be. We do this as a way to anticipate and adapt to the changing needs of students and lecturers. Currently, the library provides access to approximately 10,000 volumes of print resources, approximately more than a million of ebooks and ejournals

We are committed to supporting all teaching and research activities of the university

We provide quality services to all clients

Your continued feedback is essential in helping us reinvent a library for the future.

Harvard Referencing Style

Is an author/date method. Sources are cited within the body of your assignment by giving the name of the author(s) followed by the date of publication. All other details about the publication are given in the list of references or bibliography at the end.

APA Referencing Style

Uses the author/ date method of citation in which the author’s last name and the year of the publication are inserted in the actual text of the paper. It is the style recommended by the American Psychological Association and used in many of the social sciences.

Foot Note Refencing Style

n a footnote referencing system, you indicate a reference by: Putting a small number above the line of type directly following the source material. This number is called a note identifier. It sits slightly above the line of text.

A Referencing Generator is a program that turns information about a source into a citation that the writer can use in a project.  The generator receives information about a source.

A plagiarism checker uses advanced database software to scan for matches between your text and existing texts. They are used by universities to scan student assignments. There are also commercial plagiarism checkers you can use to check your own work before submitting.



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