Educational Attainment
PhD in Business: Marketing Emphasis
Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies; Silang, Cavite, Philippines
Master of Commerce Marketing Strategy
Midlands State University, Zimbabwe
Master of Business Administration
Solusi University, Zimbabwe
BGraduate Certificate In Education
University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe
Bachelor of Commerce Honors in Marketing
National University of Science & Technology, Zimbabwe
Organisational Orientations and their Effect on the Practice of Marketing by Non Profit Organisations in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
Precursors and Outcomes of Place Branding : A Conceptual Framework.
Appreciative Inquiry of Social Marketing Studies between 2000 and 2009.
Emergent Themes in Marketing Theory and Practice Literature from 1957 to 2015: A Systematic Review
Oscillating Among Different Traditions of Grounded Theory.
Scaling up Grounded Theory: Problems, Implications and Options for Qualitative Researchers.
Exploring the Adventist Health-lifestyle : A Social Marketing Perspective.
“Classic” Grounded Theory: An Extraction of Saldana’s Coding Heuristics