Prof. Nkosiyabo Zvandasara Zhou
Dean of Theology & Chaplaincy
PhD – Ministry (Missions)
PhD – Theology (Systematic Theology)
Faculty Philosophy
The faculty of Theology and Religious Studies believe that God is the Creator and Sustainer of the universe, and in love He sent Jesus as atonement for the sins of humanity. It is God that has commissioned us to advance His work of reconciling human beings to God and to fellow men, and to do the work of restoring the image of God in humanity in preparation for the return of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Mission Statment
The mission of the Faculty of Theology and Chaplaincy is to develop and prepare pastors and chaplains through instruction and fellowship to serve God, church and society as commissioned by Lord Jesus Christ.
- Provide adequate content in all courses, covering biblical, historical, linguistic, professional and theological fields in order to enhance the students’ effectiveness as servants in their chosen fields.
- Impart theological and religious knowledge that is biblically, culturally and contextually grounded, and relevant to the realities in Africa.
- Equip students for general and specialized services with sound biblical knowledge, principles, methods, and procedures for doing effective ministry.
- Promote engagement and participation in religious activities that are intended to deepen the spiritual life.
- Foster a stimulating academic and professional environment that provide for development of critical but responsible appraisal and examination of different belief systems and world views.
Theology and Chaplaincy
Dr. Clifford Sibanda
Other Staff Members:
Ngabaite Muchinguri
Amos Ndlovu